Celebrities Who Have Their Own Beauty Lines

Photo by Emma Bauso from Pexels

While starting a cosmetics business isn’t easy, the industry shows no signs of slowing, and there’s plenty of room for new contributors. The pandemic has dramatically increased online sales, which can be an equalizer for independent companies that are social media-savvy. It’s a rewarding career in many ways, which is why there are so many celebrities who have their own beauty lines. 

Superstars have an enormous advantage, of course: brand name recognition, plenty of startup funds, and access to the top professionals in the field. But their success stories have lessons for any budding beauty enthusiast who wants to start a business. If you’ve ever thought, “If Kylie can do it, so can I,” read on for more motivation.

Celebrities Who Have Their Own Beauty Lines


Since 2017, Fenty Beauty has had a reputation for being as fabulous as the icon behind it. The pop star offers 50 shades of foundation powder, celebrating her embrace of diversity. She hires makeup models of different colors, genders, and sexual orientations.

Take-Home Message

Inclusivity is more than a buzzword these days. If your products can appeal to neglected demographics, you have a foot in the door.

Kylie Jenner

Her “billionaire” status may be a bit of an exaggeration, and it’s doubtful that she’s mixing up formulas in the lab. But her company is doing two things right: quality and publicity. Her lip kit earned its cult status for unprecedented staying power. And she promotes her makeup relentlessly on Instagram. https://www.kyliecosmetics.com/

Take-Home Message

Put as much time and creativity into marketing as you do your cosmetics line. There are endless ways to promote your brand: with honest reviews, educational videos, and even engaging challenges on TikTok.

Lady Gaga

Her Haus Laboratories features a line of winged stickers to help customers create the perfect cat eye. It’s a beauty trend that she’s known for and a technique that everyone struggles with.

Take-Home Message

What voids do you see in the market? What products would you buy if they were available? Find that underserved niche.

Millie Bobby Brown

The Stranger Things actress is targeting Gen Z beauty buyers with her line Florence by Mills. It’s inexpensive, simple, and fun (body glitter!).

Take-Home Message

You don’t have to be an expert to have something to offer. Keep your target demographic in mind, and make something that resonates with you.

Selena Gomez 

In September, the child-star-turned-pop-star launched Rare Beauty, a line that creates awareness of mental illness in the hopes of destigmatizing it. The website has helpful resources and easy ways to donate to charities.

Take-Home Message

Your company can be whatever you want it to be, and maybe you can combine more than one of your passions. Celebrities who have their own beauty lines are proving that the industry is expanding to include the concept of inner beauty.


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